Thursday, November 25, 2010

Change processor from XP to Vista (+10 points)?

Is it a good Idea, also, how can I do it?

I have a microsoft Windows XP Version 2002, Media center Edition, Service Pack 3 right now and was thinking of making it to Vista

Can anyone tell me if thats a good Idea? Also, Is it possible to do for free? like downloading from online the Vista and installing it on my computer.

I will vote best answer

Thanks in advance, and if there is any other info you want me to tell, just tell me.Change processor from XP to Vista (+10 points)?xp works better than vista, and then alot of components doesnt work with vista; printers, etc

for the free part it is impossible, with windows you always have to pay, should be between 150 and 200$

hope it help, IsaChange processor from XP to Vista (+10 points)?well, if you are happy with xp, dont do it. Your computer may be too slow for vista. If you really want vista, get a new computer. You will need at least 2 gigs of ram(three is reccomended) at at least 667mhz. for vista, and at least a dual core processor, it supports pentium4s, but itl be real slow. also you will need a graphics card with at least 128mb video memory DEDICATED NOT INTEGRATED for vista.Change processor from XP to Vista (+10 points)?If you have a genuine version of XP, I would not mess that up installing some pirated version of Vista. For legal reasons, of course, but also because whatever cracks are available now, they most likely will fail in future updates and you'll find yourself stuck searching for another fix or buying it eventually.

Also, I'd only recommend the upgrade if your computer is beefy enough in its specs to handle it. I would have at least 2GB of RAM and a CoreDuo or Core2Duo CPU (P4 is questionable). Vista install alone is about 10GB vs XP's 2.5GB or so (HD space used). Change processor from XP to Vista (+10 points)?I wouldn't suggest it. I have no experience using Vista, but many major tech sites don't recommend it due to the amount of bugs in the OS. Windows will be releasing Window 7 in 2009, and that will probably be more worth it.

It's not possible to download Vista for free as opposed to buying it in a store, unless you got an illegal copy from a friend, but if you installed it, and then went online, it's possible for that to be tracked. You're better off getting a new copy of an operating system.Change processor from XP to Vista (+10 points)?Can't tell from that. It's much more a matter of what your hardware is. Check the minimum requirements for Vista, then double them for reality. Microsoft tends to low-ball the minimum.

Hope that helps.Change processor from XP to Vista (+10 points)?No, it's a bad idea, Jon.

Vista as an upgrade to a PC generally results in an exceedingly poor user experience. PCs made prior to about 4-5 months *after* Vista's release will rarely have enough power to run Vista smoothly.

As a tech, Vista (SP1) seems fine to me now, but it should only be installed on a very modern, properly configured, multi-core PC, with lots of RAM and solid graphics upgrades. There are many surprises and compatibility issues involved with a Vista Upgrade or full install.

The current edition of Media Center is 2005, so if you have the 2002 version, then your PC is (probably?) from pre-2005. If that's the case, you dont have enough power to run Vista well.

If your system is much older than a purchase from late 2007, keep Windows XP.

If you have a system purchased in the past year, and if that system has at least 2GB of RAM, and has video upgrades, then Vista is a plausible option for you.

You do need to know what you are doing to properly install an operating system, and you may need to find drivers that are not easily found.

If your printers are over 2-3 years old, then you should be prepared to replace them as well. They may work just fine, or they may not work in Vista. Check first.

Do not attempt to find, locate, download, or otherwise circumvent the law, just to install Vista. The risks associated with such a search would almost certainly land you with a virus-infested copy, and probably land you in court, not long after you tried to use it online.

Get on to and buy it, like a good citizen, if you choose to go the Vista route.

I hope that helps!


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